METU has three main entrances, A1 from Ankara-Eskişehir road (also
known as main entrance), A4 from Yüzüncüyıl side (sometimes kınown as
Jandarma Kapısı) and A7 from Bilkent road (sometimes known as Teknokent
entrance). Please use the entrance whichever is adequate.
For those who use A1 entrance, after
travelling the boulvard, take the first right. At the roundabout where
three roads intersect, take left. You will see kindergarten on your
left after a while. Travel straight ahead. You will see an arrow
pointing right for Mechanical Engineering Department D-E-F-G blocks.
Take this road and at the junction take left to the parking lot.
For those who use A4 entrance, travel straight ahead down the hill. At
the roundabout with a statuary, turn right. The main road travels with
a curve to the left, then you will see two one-way roads. Follow the
one-way road till you come to a roundabout. Take the road turning
slightly left and climbing a hill. Follow the main road that curves to
the right twice. First you will see two arrows for Mechanical
Engineering Department pointing right. After you pass them you will see
an arrow pointing left for Mechanical Engineering Department D-E-F-G
blocks. Take this road and at the junction take left to the parking lot.
For those who use A7 entrance follow the main road. When ypu arrive to
Science and Technology Museum roundabout (you will see a steam
locomotive and various planes on your right) take the road to the
right. You will pass a second control point and a road to the
technopolis (to the right). You will see a roundabout, take the road
straight, climbing up the hill. You will see another roundabout having
three roads, take the road to the right. You will see kindergarten on
your left after a while. Travel straight
ahead. You will see an arrow pointing right for Mechanical Engineering
Department D-E-F-G blocks. Take this road and at the junction take left
to the parking lot.

From parking lot (PL) follow the red line to D-Block entrance. When you
enter the building turn left and go down the stairs. On the lower floor
walk towards the door looking on your left to see our lab which is D-02.
adopted from Google Earth.